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Cathy Murphy is a Certified Natural Health Consultant, Certified Nutrition Specialist and TKM® Provider. She believes a nutrition-based approach can effectively address almost any injury or illness without the use of surgery or drugs. Cathy has a history of major health challenges.  In 1995 Mayo Clinic sent her home giving her two weeks to live with a rapidly growing tumor in her liver.  Cathy turned to alternative methods to regain her health.  She was treated at Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico and also by cancer specialist, Dr. Fredrich M.W. Plog in Germany (recognized as the “Father of Therapeutic Laser”) and by Lee DuBelle, a nutrition specialist in Phoenix, AZ.

Four years later, Cathy developed breast cancer.  This health condition motivated Cathy to return to Proper Food Combining and a healthy lifestyle with an emphasis on more nutrition.  In less than six months, local doctors were amazed to find no cancer, nor any calcification in either breast.  Since her recovery 25 years ago, she has dedicated her life to studying dis-eases of the body.  With a smile Cathy says, “Cancer does not scare me anymore.  There is no disease of the body that cannot be turned around.”

Jeffrey Kraus is a TKM® provider and assists with applications to unblock energy pathways in a natural, non-invasive process.  He is a Certified Nutrition Specialist, a Certified Fitness Specialist and has also studied TKM® concepts and application procedures.  Jeff has overcome extraordinary health challenges in his early 20s.  We call Jeff our “research man” as he has done extensive research over the years on how the digestive system works.

Polly Riddell is a writer and photographer. She studied TKM® at The King Institute.  She regained vibrant health when she sought assistance from Cathy and Jeff.  She learned about TKM® after a car accident resulting in a head injury in 2006.  Her last visit to a doctor was when she was prescribed a multitude of drugs for diabetes and high cholesterol.  Alternative natural health solutions based on nutrition and Proper Food Combining rapidly turned her health around in a way nothing else has ever done before.  Polly is the personal concierge for clients visiting the clinic for extended stays. She has a history of care for the elderly.  She also writes natural health articles for the Clinic.   

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